Friday, August 7, 2009

perfectly unperfect.

"Nidra, I'm not going to lie to you, marriage is going to be hard and sometimes even ugly."
-Pastor Ray

A while back one of my very best sisters (rhymes with HOLLA! :D ) asked me, "So then what's the point of marriage?" And at the time I didn't really have an answer for her besides the generic. Love, Security, and because God said so. But the more I thought about it, I started to think that those are pretty good reasons why people should get married!

Here's some reasons why I think so.....

Because God said so:

Marriage is sort of like a picture of Jesus. Just like if I were to take my teeny tiny sony "point and shoot" digital camera and take a picture of the Grand Canyon while Kevin uses his fancy shmancy canon D30 to take the same picture. My photo would do no justice to the wonder that is the Grand Canyon while Kevin's might be more sharper or clearer. But neither cameras would even come close to capturing the experiences of actually standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon.

And marriage comes from God. Wasn't it His idea in the first place? It is a good gift from God and was supposed to be for the glory of all that is...God.

So it goes, some marriages reflect Christ a little more clearer then others but hopefully we're all in the same boat in trying to perfect our picture.


I'm not going to lie. Yes, some people get married for security. It feels good and safe to have someone there taking care of you. It's like when you're little and somehow food and shelter just always mysteriously appeared everyday. But if security is your only reason for marrying Mr. CashMoney, then you're in for a rude awakening. Because nothing is promised, especially in today's economy where people are getting laid off left and right.

But there is hope! There's a different kind of security that I share with Kevin. Some of you guys know my family situation. It's been a struggle that seems like I've lost more than I gained, but strangely I don't feel that way. Kevin has been through a lot of ugliness with me.

And the kind of security I feel is that I KNOW when my eyes are puffy and my body is swollen, when darkness takes hold and there's no light at the end of the tunnel, there's three things that will happen...
  1. Kevin'll smile at me and tell me that I'm beautiful and I will actually believe him.
  2. He'll hold me as long as it takes for me to be okay (or squeeze me until I fart.)
  3. He'll say to me, "Who's your Maker?" and I'll have to reply "God" and He'll say, "So why are you worrying?" (BTW I hate this one because I can never win after he says that :P)
There's so many more examples of security that I could give you, but the one that means the most to me is indestructible. Even when the money runs out, there's no house, no hope for tomorrow, there will always be God and Kevin.


Love, comes in so many different forms. I probably won't have to say much about love. We all know what love is all about. Just like Christ loved us, love that never fails, love that would rather die just to see you soar. And sometimes I pass my love around and around and I never see it come back. But the one thing I could count on is that it will always come back every time I thank God for family, my minions and Kevin.

So even if the picture of marriage is ugly and hard, when you stop looking through your camera lens there's a whole beautiful three dimensional world you can feel, touch, experience....

I hope this answers your question, little "HOLLA" :)


1 comment:

  1. I love you even though I wasn't the one who asked that question. :)
